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DCD>New York Fireside Chat: The future of power in the connected era

The proliferation of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT), machine learning, big data and the need for near real-time analytics are all drivers for the need of a digital utility that embraces technology as one of its pillars of success. This natural progression will allow us to leverage resources unique to utilities, not commonly available to commercial providers and edge entities. These resources create significant overhead for companies that should focus on technology and are the same resources that PSE utilized to decentralize their data centers and create a diversified robust infrastructure for our internal operations; real estate, fiber, power, and right-of-way - all things necessary for rapid and agile deployment of “edge”. Susanna and Chris will outline what infrastructure is needed at a foundation level, which we can begin to construct now, while we continue to respond to a ‘connected’ marketplace as it presents itself.

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April 1

DCD>Energy Smart Cross Industry Panel: How are Energy Companies Influencing Site Selection? (with Multigrid, ENTSO-E)

July 12

DCD>San Fran Lightning plenary panel: What breaks when the whole world is online? (With Google, Greenpeace, Etsy, QTS, Switch and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)